Talented and Gifted/Summa FAQ
Bonny Slope Elementary School
Do I have to fill out a parent referral form and will my child be automatically tested if I do?
Testing is based on three components: teacher observation through the Kingore Observation Inventory, student performance in the classroom and parent input. A parent input form by itself will not necessarily include the child for testing, but is a piece of data that will be considered.
How can my child study for the TAG tests?
The tests are meant to measure a child’s potential. It is not necessary to study. Be sure your child eats a healthy breakfast and gets a good night’s sleep on/before testing days.
Can my child be tested in more than one area?
Children can be tested in the academic areas of reading or math, and/or intellectual ability.
What is an intellectual ability test?
An intellectual ability test measures learned reasoning and problem solving in three different areas: verbal, quantitative and nonverbal.
When will my child be tested?
Testing occurs in November. Students will be pulled out of class to take the tests they qualify to take.
When will we know the results?
Results are returned to the school sometime in February. Results are sent to parents about 2 weeks after they arrive at the school. During that two weeks, the TAG committee interprets data and determines who is eligible for TAG based on the results.
What scores will qualify my child for TAG?
Students who score in the 97th percentile and above may qualify for TAG.
If my student doesn’t qualify, can he or she be retested?
Students can be retested for TAG every two years.
How long is my child TAG?
Once a child is identified TAG, he/she is TAG through grade 12. There is no need to retest later in the child’s school career.
If my child qualifies for TAG, will they go to a special class or be treated differently?
Once a student is identified as TAG, he/she will not go to a special class. The classroom teachers will assess students and create a plan to differentiate instruction to meet the student’s needs in the classroom. Parents will also have input into the TAG plan.
How can I make my child TAG?
A child can be a high achiever, gifted or a creative learner. These are qualities that come with our children and can’t be forced. Click on this link to see the differences:
What is Summa?
Summa is a middle school program that provides a differentiated, challenging curriculum that meets the cognitive, emotional and social needs of highly gifted students, while being sensitive to their developmental level.
Summa Eligibility Criteria
99th percentile in Cognitive Ability/Intellect
99th percentile in Reading or Math
at least a 97 in Reading, Math or Intellect.
All scores must be from a recently administered test (since July 1, 2013) given within a school system, and nationally normed. Students must be TAG identified and live within the Beaverton School District Boundaries.
Can my child be tested for Summa?
The district office will invite 5th grade TAG students to test for possible Summa eligibility. Letters will be sent in late September and the testing will occur on weekends and evenings.
Will State test scores affect qualification for Summa or TAG?
State test scores are not used as a qualifying assessment for Summa or TAG.
I want my child tested for Summa. How can I make that happen?
Children qualify for Summa based on the scores from the tests taken to qualify for TAG. Scores from 4th or 5th grade are used for Summa eligibility. Students who are already TAG by their 5th grade year will be provided an opportunity to test for Summa during the fall of fifth grade. Tests given specifically for Summa are provided by the district in 5th grade.
Students are tested for TAG based on teacher recommendation from performance in class and the fall observation inventory. Parents may turn in a parent information form which is available in the school office in early October through November. Students who are already TAG in an area will not be tested in that same area at the school for possible Summa eligibility.
Does my child HAVE to go to Summa if they qualify?
No, students have many options for middle school and may choose which one will fit them best.
Why would I have my child take the TAG tests in kindergarten or third grade if those scores are not used to qualify them for Summa?
Students who take the tests in kindergarten, first, second or third grade can be identified as TAG. Teachers will have yearly conversations about how the needs of your child are being met.
My child did not qualify for Summa. Can you write a recommendation letter and get them in?
The program is based on test scores. The criteria has been established by the school district. The school district is responsible for the placement of students at Summa.