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Beaverton Schools


Morning Arrival

Students arrive at school at 8:00 am. All students must arrive at school via the front entry doors or the side doors when arriving by bus. Students may enter classrooms at 8:10 am. Students who arrive between 8:00 am- 8:10 am must report to one of the supervised areas listed below. At 8:10 am, staff will release students to line up and proceed quietly to class.

Cafeteria: Students eat breakfast 
Gym (K/1/2): Students in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade walk to music or chat quietly with friends 
Upper Hallway (5): 5th graders sit in hallway and chat quietly

Library (3/4): 3rd and 4th graders will do quiet activities in the Library
Track: Bobcat Trail Club is Available on Mondays and Thursdays for all students

Students are to report directly to one area and remain there until it is time to go to class. An exception: Students who eat breakfast at school or who must go to the cafeteria to deposit meal money may go to the cafeteria then go to their assigned location after eating breakfast or depositing money. Students who eat breakfast at school must report to the cafeteria first to eat. Often, there is not enough time to both eat and go to the track or the gym. Eating breakfast is the first priority.

Any parent that enters the building must sign in at the office. To build independence we ask that parents say good-bye at the entrance of the school. While instilling a sense of independence and confidence in children, we want to encourage timeliness and eliminate crowding in the hallways and office.

Afternoon Dismissal

Dismissal is a busy time. There are four options for students:

● Ride the school bus home: Teachers will deliver bus riders as they exit the building.
● After school classes or Student Stop: Students will be released to their assigned location.
● Parent pick up 2:50 pm: If a parent wants to pick up a student at 2:50 dismissal, the parent may enter the parking lot, park in a marked parking space (no curb parking), and pick up student(s) at the front of the school. Please be sure to be parked before 2:50 pm.
● Parent pick up curbside after 3:05: If a parent would prefer to pick up a student without getting out of the car, the parent will enter the bus lane at 3:05 (after the buses leave). Students will enter cars at the bus lane. (These students will go to the music room at dismissal time. They will then line up for curbside pickup and be escorted by staff to the bus pick up lane at 3:05).

We are asking that you formulate a consistent going-home plan for your child; be sure your child and his/her teacher are aware of the plan, and stick to that plan for the school year. If you need to change your child’s going-home plan, please be sure to send a note to school with your child; have the note verified by the office and the classroom teacher. We understand that emergencies can occur.

If an unexpected event forces you to change your child’s going-home plans after 8:05 AM, please call the school office directly at 503-356-2040. Teachers are engaged with students all day long, and emailing changes to teachers is not a reliable way to share emergency information, especially when there is a substitute. Please ONLY change plans in case of rare emergencies.

Lastly, we ask all parents to generally avoid picking up their children early as our office is very busy, especially between 2:30 – 2:50 PM. The office will not dismiss students early between 2:30-2:50 PM to ensure the safe dismissal of all students.